Source Code

Clown Tear

Occurs when a male ejaculates in a woman's eye and it runs down the woman's face. When accomplished, it makes the woman look as if she has tears rolling down her face.

I blew one right in Lara's eye the other night! I gave her a Clown Tear so thick, she was able to blow bubbles with it as it oozed over her mouth!

by James Milhowse November 24, 2010

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clown water

Noum; A form of alcoholic beverage that clowns drink before, during and after a performance that give them a glazed, drunk, stupid appearence. However Clown water does not only have to be consumed by clowns. Clown water can also be used as a synonym for any type of plain whiskey, vodka, or ale that is put into a flask, covered in some kind of paper and consumed in public.

Guy 1: Man i can't stand goin to class today.

Guy 2: dude just take some clown water to get you through

Guy 1; O Fuck i forgot! Shit yeah clown water is the SHIZZZY

by Hezekiah Brockett February 12, 2008

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blouse clowns

I nice, full, juggly set of titties.

Her blouse clowns are like two puppies fighting under a blanket.

by yukoncornelius April 9, 2003

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Hate Clown

Used as a verb or noun. One who acts in a negative manner twords others on account of personal jealousy.

"Common dude, dont be a Hate Clown. Just gimmi my pants back"

by Aliso December 22, 2006

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sparkling clown

While receiving a blow job, pull out and blow your load on her face. Then reach into your carefully prepared pocket full of glitter and toss it in her face.

Betty was amazed at how much her face looked like her sequined gown after her first 'sparkling clown'.

by zeyramos September 13, 2005

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Clown Shoes

Unimportant, Without need for consideration

It's total clown shoes to think that dwelling on what happened will change a anything.
Don't even think you're clown shoe ass has shit figured out.

by Philosopheezy July 11, 2008

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Rodeo Clown

Your friends hide in the closet while you are doing your girl doggie style. They pop out and you try to ride her while she is trying to get away.

I totally rodeo clowned her.

by Austinsgoat February 22, 2010

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