When a woman cop wears a bulletproof vest too tight and her boobs hang out the side.
“Bro, I was so distracted by her cop boob that I couldn’t even nab that perp.”
Fap cop
Someone you live with who never let's you have privacy and will always show up right when your about to do the deed and make it impossible to fap, most likely a older sister or brother who stays up late and invades privacy without waring or cause.
My sister shows up to use the computer right out side my door every time I'm about to fap, she is a fap cop.
1. When a cop who has cop hair grows their hair out, to blend in with us (the normal people), but doesn't cut it, and has cop-hair-shaped hair that's just longer. 2.One of the primary indicators of who is a cop.
"Hey, man. He's a cop! You wanna know how I know? 'Cause he got cop hair!"
A guy pretends to hug a woman, but secretly tries to touch her breast or butt in the process. cop a feel, sexual assault, groping, frotteurism, touchy feely, fondle, butt, breast, Me Too, Times Up
The director hugged me and tried to cop a hug when he squeezed my breast with his hand.
Word used by people with inferior vocabularies in order to sound offical and educated. usually used many times in one paragraph.
1 : to purchase or seek contraband or dangerous items
2 : to steal or scavenge at great risk
It's not easy to cop in a new city.