Source Code

el wire

A special type of human who's wandring around in the desert with 40 - 50 thousand other people at the "burning man" festival.

El wire and other wire's are Hi-tek desertpeople

by Thore November 20, 2006

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el pimpo

Someone that is a member of the el pimpo brotherhood.

hey isnt that el pimpo over there with that chick, i better go help him out.

by Scotty Matheson August 3, 2007

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el gringo

fat fools who have red hair also known as fooligan

you cant say that you el gringo/fooligan

by yourgay November 22, 2004

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El Gweiro

El Gweiro (praise and blessings be upon Him) is the alter ego bestowed upon He who is James Weir. El Gweiro (praise and blessings be upon Him) was fist 'born' in 2002. This is His first and only known coming, Son of Gary, Grandson of John, He walks the Earth erradicating Evil from this plane.

Born with the ability to walk through shadows, El Gweiro is also known as Shadow Passer, or Dalk Walker. It is believed that He is born from a Demon Lineage dating back to the times of Major Weir who was burnt at the stake for witch craft. It is noted that Major Weir made a pact with the Devil, and in turn received a staff bestowed with powers. Witnesses reported that at his (Major Weir's) burning, the staff reacted to his body, engulfing and falling as did Major Weir.

El Gweiro (praise and blessings be upon Him) has saved us all again. Praise Him in the Highest

by El Gweiro March 10, 2005

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el cerrito

home to the big the bad the great mikio

mikio is the baddest muthafucka in el cerrito

by mikio October 20, 2007

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el pisshead

The definition given to a person after they've had a very good night out previously.

Person X: (after getting up) Urrrgh...
Person Y: Morning, El Pisshead!

by We hate Josh (who will curse the day he met us..) February 18, 2005

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El Macho

A orange El Camino that destroys the Limey Stone trees and causes general torment to humanity.

The El Macho stole the moon!

by Randy McTwowives December 3, 2003

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