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Crackhead energy

Abbie Hudson

Liv has got such natural crackhead energy

by Hudsonabbie November 11, 2019

Crack head Energy

These are the girls on their snap chat stories who always have their hoodies on their head and their tight as fuck, and think kicking a wall is cRaCk HeAd EnErGy and their friends scream it and think it’s “funny”.

Oh my god Emily don’t their gonna hear us oh my god crack head energy

by Charboy June 22, 2020

energy systems engineer

The energy systems engineer is an elusive breed of engineer. Often found scurrying around the forest grounds on the banks of the River Corrib, the energy systems engineer will not take very lightly the fact that you are tainting their environment with your carbon dioxide emitting ways. They have a weakness for white wine and tacos and can be captured using a butterfly net.

"Derek! I think I have just seen the lesser spotted energy systems engineer in it's natural habitat!"
"Jolly good, William, but what is that curious sound it is making?"
"It is difficult to hear, Derek, but it sounds like it is hashtagging Longford."

by NotAnEnergySystemsEngineer April 2, 2014

Senoko Energy

A pioneer and a trusted source of electricity for over 40 years. Providing energy solutions since 1997. Now on the constant lookout for new and sustainable ways to power Singapore forward. Also known as a giver of promo codes and rewards to their users. SmartRewards partners are also cool and support eco-friendly measures. As they like to say, the only colour forward is Green!

Bro 1: "Eh bro sign up for which electric plan good ah?"
Bro 2: "Senoko Energy lah bro. Can trust one. No problem!"

by nzmnrdn November 25, 2021

Button Down Shirt Energy

Not quite as bad as "small dick energy," but sort of a middle ground. No swag, harmless, forgetable, sexually invisible, insecure men who wear button down shirts as general fashion have this kind of "energy." Sort of a beta male.

Susie: "I'm going on a date with Thad tonight."
Kara: "Why not go on a date with Brad?"
Susie: "Ew. He's got real button down shirt energy."

by CutiePatootiePie January 21, 2025

Dale energy

A kind of person who radiates all sorts of energy at once which ends up being confusing (ex: dom and sub energy)

My friend: *radiating dominant energy while looking like a soft boy*

Me: damn, you radiate such dale energy

by Gay boi definitions November 30, 2019

First fiddle energy

Someone that is a leader, confident, ambitious, and self assured. An Alpha personality, capable of anything. A person that goes after exactly what they want, never settling in life or for second place.

She has what I like to call "first fiddle energy" only. California Widow stopped filling in on synths in other bands because she's a lead singer and only has time for first fiddle energy only.

by California Widow February 21, 2024