Refering to pop star Lorde, who is infact, a Prettier Jesus, as she states in her song "Solar Power".
Yo, who sang that song Royals in like 2013?
The Prettier Jesus did!
A term used to describe someone puts on the facade of being holy when, in fact, they are not.
Yeah, he acts like he's offended by people's foul language, but he's not all that either because he's really just plastic Jesus.
The practice of a worker taking two days off from work ill before miraculously returning on the third day ie on the third day he rose again
Jarod was off ill on Monday and Tuesday, returning Wednesday before needing a sick note from the doctor. Must of been a Jesus holiday
The Asian version of Jesus Christ, from family guy
You know, I met Jesus in there, he is Chinese, and his last name is Hong, he has no idea where people got the Christ thing from. (Jesus Hong)
flip flops or berkenstocks
you cant wear jesus slippers working in the forest
Communion bread. Only funnier and truer. Best used in the context of satirizing Christianity and in humoring the physical appearance of the bread.
Friend: "I went to church today"
Friend 2: "Ouu what'd you do?"
Friend: "We heard a homily and prayed and received communion!"
Friend 2: "yOu mEan yOu aTe jEsuS cRackErs"
Twink Jesus aka another word for Troye Sivan.
Person 1:"Hey do you know twink Jesus?"
Person 2: "Hell yea! I love Troye Sivan