Usually men with massive cocks. They are skill full at everything and can make any woman cream.
Seb - who’s that dj he’s well good
John - He must be Morgan Davies
Seb - yeah he does give big dick energy
A popular phrase known for being quoted by character, “Paul”. Allow it is used to express the want of you to stop an action.
“I love you cousin!” Morgan says to her boyfriend Paul, “Ew, allow it Morgan, Stop it!!” He responds.
“Allow it Morgan” or “Allow it” means to cut it out, or to stop it.
A smile that occurs in which will melt your heart and cause a serious chain reaction of love, arousal, excitement, and beauty.
Dude! Did you see that smile? She gave me the Morgan smile she’s hella into me!
The two not to be fucked with. But will look out cause they cool like that. A chill as couple. You can't have either one of them, even tho you really want them, cause they are both sexy as hell, but there to infatuated with each other.
But they still fun as hell to ride with.
Trust, stay on there good side, you'll see.
Might get jealous tho, they're hated alot because how free they are...
Love, fly, and dream... they're in love with lost... don't worry, usually pretty easy to find.
Anthony and morgan, are simply the shit.
Hot as couple, sexy ass Anthony, with pretty as hell Morgan. Free coffee for everyone...
The two not to be fucked with, but still fucks with you cause they cool like that.
Can't have either one cause they infatuated with each other, even tho she hates Anthony cause he's an asshole. They will have your back tho, till you cross them, then they will snap your back.
Just stay on there good side, trust you will be good.
Anthony and Morgan are here, talk to her cause Anthony fucking nuts and won't have it.
When your having sexual intercourse with a female in reverse cowgirl n notice her arse is caked in poo
This girl was riding me last night and had a heavy Morgan pooper
The hottest girl u will ever see. she is the biggest qt and the best girlfriend you could wish for. she is everything you need.if u see one; ur one lucky guy/
if ur a Chloe Morgan Thomas
then ur great