Source Code

word shmerding

Trying to ridicule a person or thing by repeating twice, but during the second repetition replace the first consonant(s) with s-h-m.
Often used by speakers or decendents of people who speak Yiddish and German. Since a lot of words an names start with shm.

Hugo: You know you really shouldn't do that any more. You might go to prison.
Chester: Prison Shmison.
Hugo: No seriously man. I think I saw a cop.
Chester: Cop shmop
Hugo: You know, that doesn't always work. You can't solve all your problems by word shmerding them.

by Ben faulding April 30, 2006

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

what’s the word?

A word used a lot in Boston, Massachusetts.

It’s basically saying what’s happening?, or what are the plans for today.

(In texting- β€œwtw”)

Friend 1:β€œYo, I got a free crib what’s the word?”

Friend 2: β€œIght word, I’m boutta swing thru with the budand the rollies”

Friend 1: β€œBet”

by Bas_Cookie928 March 27, 2018

83πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

"Q" Word

The "Q" Word(Q=Quiet) is a word known in the Emergency Services as a punishable offensive word. Whenever the word is muttered, the night (Or day) becomes flooded with emergency calls.

"Man it sure is quiet tonight..."
"Why'd you just say the "Q" Word, dude?!"

*Gong/ Emergency tones go off*
*Back to station*
*Gong/ Emergency tones go off*
*Back to station*
*Gong/ Emergency tones go off*
*Back to station*
*Gong/ Emergency tones go off*
*Back to station*
*Gong/ Emergency tones go off*
*Back to station*
*Gong/ Emergency tones go off*
*Back to station*
*Gong/ Emergency tones go off*
*Back to station*
*Gong/ Emergency tones go off*
*Back to station*
*Gong/ Emergency tones go off*
*Back to station*
*Gong/ Emergency tones go off*
*Back to station*

by Natatha October 11, 2008

159πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

The X Word

A made up word used to trick stupid 6th graders.
There is not an "X" word but you can get them so pissed at you. It works best if you get alot of people in on it and act serious like it's a super bad word.

Bob: Hey Whitney have your parents told you the x word yet.

Whitney: No whats that ?

Bob:What ... hey guys Whitney doesn't know the x word.

Everyone: He doesn't ?

by whaleblubber13 May 18, 2011

54πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Word is bond

Shortened version of "My word is my bond". You're saying that what you're saying is true and without reproach.

Yo man. Did you hit that? Word is bond man....I tore that shit up.

by Karriem April 15, 2004

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say word

A question raised when presented with a shocking or almost unbelievable statement. Could also represent a statement used to determine the trustworthiness of the speaker.
Note: 'say word' functions as a rhetorical question. 'Word' is not an appropriate answer to the question

Shawn: "Yo,I heard that Trevor came out of the closet last night"
Ben: "say word?"
Shawn: "no lie"

by Laky April 27, 2008

411πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

word copier

A douchebag who reads a word on www.urbandictionary.com and then coppies it almost word for word, BUT... now heres the kicker..... they change maybe one word or so that way it's a little bit different. These people have no shame (or life) and can't think of anything better to do than copy things like dictionary definitions. in fact, this definition will be copied by one of these people in a week

if you are a word copier, then give me a blumpkin please

by wieners and wine July 17, 2009

45πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž