From the Indian word lun meaning penis, to 'cock slap' someone.
Guy 1: 'Aha your mom is soo fat...'
Guy 2: 'Seriously dude you better shut up or ima lun slap you'
Hoop slap is like a happy slap, except you do it with your anus. The hoop slapper must first relax their anus muscles just enough to be able to slap their friend round the face with it when they're least expecting it, resulting in them being repulsed and humiliated, yet left breathless from the shock and rolling around the floor with laughter because they didn't see it coming!
Hoop Slapper: *approaches from behind* Hey gurl...
Victim: Hey you, whats up! *turns around*
Hoop Slapper: *hoop slap* Gotcha!
Victim: *gets hoop slapped* Oh what the hell! Hahahaha. I'll get you next time!
The definition of slapping water is swimming typically performed by swimmers
Let’s go slap some water slapping water
When you get out the bath and your nads are dangling and dripping wet, then you thrust back and forth and the bollocks slap on the anus and tummy.
Standing naked, legs slightly apart, balls dangling and thrusting. Bollocks slap against the tummy and the arse simutaneously. Bollock Slap.
When a male gets slapped in the gonads by another male and the latter shouts "CHAP SLAP!"
"Chap slap!" keiran exclaimed as he whacked aden in the gonads
The act of one being a douche bag by slapping your or another's lower back. By far this is one of the worst pains one can experience. To execute correctly one must....
1. Sneak up on a person
2. Locate there lower back ( right above their ass crack )
3. Slap vigorously to piss off the "slap"ie
Note: most effect when aiming for the fat deposits located near the love handle area.
- Yo did you see how pissed off JJ got when I Jman slapped him?
- Yea, your a douche bag.
- The Jman slap is so sick and should be spread around so I get famous.
- That would be cool, but your still a douche bag.
A small digital image or icon that depicts someone slap someone else because they have cracked a joke on them or their loved ones—a depiction of the knee-jerk reaction of the uninhibited or emotionally challenged perpetrator towards their target of abuse to get even with them.
At a recent graduation ceremony held on Zoom, Dr. Sanjib, a pro-BJP graduate, shot a virtual slap emoji to Prof. Raj, because the latter had irreligiously poked fun at his holy cow.
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