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Pre-Christmas Spirit

The positive feeling or attitude associated with the coming holiday - one may experience it when seeing the lights on the houses in his neighborhood, while finding perfect gifts for his family members, or when he hears holiday tunes playing in the background at one store or another. Some experience pre-Christmas spirit only to find disappointment when Christmas actually comes. This is a case where the hype and anticipation are better than the real thing.

Tracy felt the pre-Christmas spirit through November and December each time she passed by the Christmas section at the department store, but when December 25th came around and she unwrapped a sweater and a blender, she somehow lost the feeling.

by awesomeforce December 26, 2008

pre cum wisdom

When one realizes right before they cum that they person they are having sex with is no longer attractive, opposite of post nut clarity.

John β€œDude I was having sex with this girl and right before I nutted I realized she was ugly as fuck”
Jerry β€œYou got that pre cum wisdom dude.”

by Bone_Boi January 29, 2021

Condiment Pre-Cum

when you have a squeeze bottle of ketchup or mustard and that weird slimy vinegar and water comes out if you dont shake it

john: what is it?
jeff: i forgot to shake the mustard bottle now theres Condiment Pre-Cum all over my hot dog
john: aww mate thats the worst

by PinntPinnt September 16, 2018

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Pre-Glaucoma Treatment

The Politically correct way of saying Marijuana. Especially useful around younger people who don't know what the h Glaucoma is.

Also a good subject to mention to your optometrist! He'll love it!!!

guy #1 What the hell are you doing dude - we are going on a job interview. Don't light that joint in my car.

guy #2 Dude,I have to smoke my Pre-Glaucoma TreatmentEVERY day or I may go blind!

by Hippie Chick 1972 December 26, 2008

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Pre-emptive Strike

A euphemised term of an "infamous" surprise attack like the one at Pearl Harbor is called when the winners are the ones who did the surprise attack and write the history books.

The U.S. did a surprise missile strike at the beginning of the Iraq War known as a "decapitation attack". Shouldn't this be a day that will live in infamy as well?

by R. Kemp April 23, 2005

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Pre Coital Nonsense

Words used to try and get your lady in the mood, however she reads your mind and tells you so.

Man: "Your re looking really good tonight"
Woman: " Enough of that pre coital nonsense, I'm going to sleep."

by elPone January 31, 2011

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pre-k swear

Swear words which are used by pre-k children,and reused by people who don't get their own way.

Mona:"Tell me the name of your new boyfriend..please??"
Lisa:"No,not yet!"
Mona:"Your such a meanie!"
Lisa:"meanie,seriously??What a pre-k swear!!"

by SmartNSarcastic:) March 28, 2010

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