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Purple Lips

The result of your sexual partner getting you aroused then stopping pleasure.

I got purple lips when my boyfriend went down on me then stopped before I came.

by SmartRissy August 3, 2016

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Purple Ambush

When a black man tries to have anal sex with you without your permission.

I was walking down the road and dropped a quarter, when i bent down to get it, a black man purple ambushed me!

by I nevah' knew my fathaaaa" December 19, 2010

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purple dog

A wierd and annoying person or someone who is dumb

Your a purple dog

by Walrus0290 March 20, 2018

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Purple Jesus

Cheap miscellaneous booze mixed with grape juice, served in a vat or garbage bin that tastes as good as it sounds. (absolutely horrible)

P1: it's purple, but why is it called purple jesus?
P2: try some
*P1 tries it*
P1: JESUS!!!!

by Jon Weatherhead July 5, 2007

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Noun: Someone living in America who has purple skin, and usually are born on planet Purplonia or descended from Purplonians.

While driving through the Purplonian neighborhood, I saw this Purple-American woman sitting on her front porch braiding her daughter's tentacles.

by Purple Gurl March 30, 2011

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purple smackenator

when a person paints their ding dong with grape jam and proceeds to smack it on a peice of toast then feed it to their lover.

My girlfriend wanted breakfast, so i made her a purple smackenator.

by CarlLlama October 26, 2008

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purple nirple

Grab someone by the nipple on the cheast. Then twist very hard and ask them to name 5 cereals and a black president. Twist hard until their nipple turns purple because of the blood rushing to their pinched part. For better and quicker resluts, use pliers to get more leverage on the nipple.

i.e. #1 Brian gave Mike a purple nirple with a pair of plyers because he was defeated at mario baseball.

i.e. #2 Holding plyers tight, James gripped onto Jills nipple until she named Lucky charms, Cherios, Frosted Flakes, Shredded wheat and Wheaties.

by Josh of The Pipe Dream June 16, 2006

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