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I can see through your eyes

A quiet expression of intimacy, shared when one can see through the eyes of another. Synchronicity of vision, across miles, between two people who have never met.

"I can see through your eyes", he said silently. So far away, she could hear him.

by Monkey's Dad June 17, 2022

[i can see your pad]

an expression used to insult a female that you dislike, referring to seeing her pad.

"OMG, there's that girl in my math class that's totally macking on my boyfriend!"
"Whatever. I'll yell at her, "I can see your pad!"

by jham October 15, 2007

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I pretend I do not see

When something bad or something that must be kept a secret happens you pretend you didnโ€™t see it at all.

girl a: *kicks man in da balls*
teacher: *turns around as if she did not see cause man deserved that shit*
also teacher: โ€œI pretend I do not seeโ€

by penis enlargement serum December 29, 2021

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oh to see without my eyes ห˜๐Ÿ‘„ห˜

When someone says something disgusting

Guy 1: I wish boku no pico had a second season
Guy 2: oh to see without my eyes ห˜๐Ÿ‘„ห˜

by alurria May 30, 2020

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I see both sides like chanel

A Bisexual statement made famous by Frank Ocean's song "Chanel," and it's supposed to be a metaphor since the Chanel logo has two C's facing opposite ways... c what he did there?

Boi: You gay?
Boi 2: nah fam, I see both sides like chanel

by mamamia la papi April 16, 2017

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I'll see you down at Arizona Bay

A reference to Bill Hick's vision/hopes of California breaking off in an earthquake leaving a Arizona to have a bay. Used in a Tool song in the same reference and context

I'll See you down at Arizona Bay, sucker

by Paddy313 March 20, 2009

141๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

GGEZ fags see u at major

primarily used by the winning in a competitive game like csgo.

Winning team: "GGEZ fags see u at major"

by boogie2969 November 5, 2018

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