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Schlong Shot

Like a dick pic only schlonger.

I always have mixed feelings about unsolicested schlong shots. On the one hand, Ew, on the other hand... dayum!

Nick asked me to send nudes last night, but I made him send me a schlong shot first!

by Kinn Notap May 21, 2017

Head Shot

A phrase used by a man who is about to shoot his load all over his woman's face in the heat of passion. A head shot can either be left on her face as a gift of sexual gratification or deposited in her mouth like unborn baby food.

Damion & Jo were at it like rabbits in the spring.

Damion: "Oh baby im going to give you a head shot"

Jo: "aim shoot & score baby!"

by The Fairy Sesh Mother June 3, 2021


Within range of a wi-fi signal. (Just as to be within "eye-shot" is to be within visual range of a target).

Pronounced "why-shot".

I walked too far from the coffee shop with my laptop and now I'm outside of wi-shot.

Once the plane takes off I'll be outside of wi-shot for a few hours.

by TheBigEll1 December 2, 2009

shot puno

it means to take a full shot (drinking).

Person 1: Mark, arat, shot puno!
Person 2: Sige!

by bunnyhrt October 21, 2022

Bud Shot

A picture of a marijuana bud. Usually a close up with high resolution.

"Hey bro, take a look at this beautiful purp haze bud shot!"

by A_Stoner May 23, 2009

pregnancy shot

When you shoot your load so far that it would for sure get a girl pregnant.

I was fucking my girl last night and when I pulled out I came so far it went over her head. That was almost a pregnancy shot!

by onemanwinner April 19, 2017


A shot of Alcohol through the vagina through the use of an alcohol marinated/ infused tampon.

To use a tampon soaked in spirits or strong alcohol inserted in the vagina absorbed this way though the body.

"Did you have a v-shot before coming out"

Do you want to do a v-shot with me?"

"I had a v-shot to get this party started"

by BuRTez May 27, 2017