Source Code

Tap dat Ass

1. to engage in sexual relations with another. comes from the root: tappimus datus assimus
refers to tapping a keg

Boy, I'd sure like to tap dat ass.

by fallacy October 30, 2001

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b) a generalization of Multiple midnight conquests, in a short amount of time.

I G-tapped all The Rodriguez brothers at the pool party!
It was a good ass night!

by Dizzle Gizzle December 6, 2007

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Double tap

Fuck a bitch till you nut and the punch her in the gut to prevent pregnancy.

"when you fuck a bitch till you nut and the punch her in the gut to prevent pregnancy. Double tapping a hoe"

by boozednconfused666 January 29, 2020

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tap it light

a hobo salutation, usually given as advice or in parting. it is a reminder not to hit the hooch too hard. Drinking can be a healthy way to pass time and socialize, just make sure it’s a subtle as opposed to an overt contributor. The biggest problem with overly liberal use it is often the impetus behind abuse of all colours. Fighting, embarrassing falls, TMI; they’re all the result of excess libations.

Remember to to take it easy & tap it light.

by SpikeChuggington July 20, 2011

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triple tap cross

A move peformed by sweaty fifa players to win fifa matches and piss off your opponents. Most commomly used in Fifa 15 due to its broken gameplay system.

Oh for god sakes this wanker scored a triple tap cross against me going to go get some strong disinfectent.

by Heskey LOL Banter pussy 69 April 2, 2015

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Tap Dancin on Ice

To be on eggshells. A nervous, mcrisky situation.

Trying to set up that 5some and I am tap dancin on ice here!
Bradford was tap dancin on ice when he asked out his friend of seven years, Gloria.

by Dave Schechtman & Jared Smits October 30, 2007

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can i tap that

Its a game you text someone and ask them "can i tap that" and you see what they say. If your good enought you might get laid. If your not then it will still be funny.

Me: When can i tap that ?
Her: I told you once, if you text my girlfriend again I'm gonna destroy you.
Me: This isn't Beth?
Her: No it's her boyfriend asshole.
Me: Could you ask her for me?

by lilnathan March 24, 2010

64πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž