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Bubble butt

The wigglyiest butt u will have ever seen

BOB: oh stacy u have a fat juicy bubble butt

Stacy: squish it baby

BOB: ohhhhh u slag


by Mecca pacca November 9, 2019

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bubble neck

The facial expression of someone who is attempting to stifle a belch or hiccup, usually but not always accompanied by a finger or two on the lips.

Anyone pretending to be drunk will immediately go to the bubble neck, but that's just something you can't fake.

by Juali July 15, 2009

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bare bubbles

When you a girl to shake her ass on a guys dick.

โ€œBro, I caught some BARE BUBBLES last nightโ€

by pussyeater123456789 September 28, 2018

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Bubble Demon

Another word for fart

ohhh I really gotta get this bubble demon out of me!

by jerseychaser October 24, 2012

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bubble nuts

Some one who pours peroxide over their dirty nuts.

"man, these bubble nuts really burn!!"

by Savage Henry78 April 19, 2013

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bondi bubble

A geographical grouping word for the region Bondi in Australia and it's ability to draw people in and never leave.

I would travel to the CBD but i'm in the Bondi Bubble and anything more than 5 mins away is too far, want to tan on the beach?

by LettersMRF July 21, 2016

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Niggar bubbles

When a black niggar makes bubbles

Look at this Nigga making niggar bubbles.

by Niggars360 May 25, 2020

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