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paper finger

Nicotine/tobacco cigarette or long joint.

Kate was trashed the other night. Gave her a paper finger to get her to relax.

by zombeehhhh August 28, 2010

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dropping paper

Police Officer writing somone a ticket or filing a warrant for someone's arrest. Once a person has a warrant out for their arrest they are considered "on paper."

Johnny Law spent all day on the freeway dropping paper on people speeding. Johnny Law is at the D.A.'s office now dropping paper on that murder suspect.

by Mark A. Swick April 30, 2006

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Slice of Paper

More commonly referred to as a piece of paper, this phrase is used as a substitute to that.

Sir please may I have a slice of paper

by Platypus69420 October 28, 2019

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Paper prince

A really skinny hot guy. Usually black.

He's pretty... Oh no paper prince, nevermind.

by dftbm September 6, 2017

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Paper Mills Nation

Americans who believe in 1950โ€™s Midwestern values. A Paper Mill in every town and a thot on every street corner. Like Bengals fans just slughtly more in reality.

Clint is voting for the local politicians who support Paper Mills Nation and got solid patty points.

by LibertarianBrosPAC May 1, 2019

toilet paper tongue

A form of anal cunnilingus (booty eating) performed right after the booty that will be eaten gets done laying a fat log without wiping

P1: How was Jerry last night?
P2: We broke up.
P1: why?

P2: Because I went to ate his booty and I got toilet paper tongue.

by Jerwizzlefoshizzle November 16, 2017

lifting copy paper

a euphasim for office sex

Hey Claire, need any help lifting copy paper?

I'd love some Dave. Meet me in the supply closet in 5 minutes.

by phrejd December 3, 2010