A poly sci major with a massive schlong and a tendency to make all girls within a 4 mile radius wet. Men previously thought to be entirely heterosexual fall victim to his gaze, sent into an uncontrollable lust for his glorious member. Legend says when a Gabe walks into a room, every sentient life form begins moaning uncontrollably, including but not limited to butterflies, killer whales, fortnite players and wooly mammoths. To call Zachs sex gods or sex icons is an understatement, because Zachs are sex itself.
Zach (the poly sci major) walked past him and he instantly bust a nut in his pants.
She neared Zach (the poly sci major) and could feel her legs begin to tremble
Zach is either really cute or REALLY ugly. There is no in the middle with them. If you date a zach, you better hope he is on the really cute side of the table
G1: omg did you see zach today?
G2: yeah, isnt he kinda cute?
G1: Kinda?! Babygirl u is trippin... he's fine !!
Zach is honestly a great guy, but he has his flaws like all people do. Zach is the kind of guy who will make you fall in love with him and want to be with him every single second of the day. But Zach is a no go for commitment or anything serious, he's not willing to settle down. But he's smart, talented, sweet, nerdy, extremely loyal, and very outgoing, not to mention has a tasteful sense of style. But again, as soon as you meet a Zach he can be gone just like that. So if you meet one never let him go, be yourself, and cherish the time you do have with him while you still have it.
An amazing handsome man that takes care of the people and things he love. He may look mean and built like a bus but he’s gotta big heart and an even bigger cock. He loves to play sports and contribute to his country. He hopes to keep increasing in the Navy.
Person 1: who’s that guy
Person 2: I heard that’s Zach and if you get in the bed with him he’ll straighten your pipes.
He is the most amazing boyfriend/guy friend you could ever get he is so sweet and cuddly on the inside although all he shows on the outside is the dark emo slipknot obsessed child that we all love his glowing honey coloured eyes and shoulder length curly soft brown hair is all you need in life.
Person 1: Holy sh*t look at how cute Zach is
Person 2: ikr im so jealous
the act of pulling out before something even begun because you´re an insecure incel.
Damn dude look at that girl you should ask for her number!
I zach to much there's no way she would give it to me anyway.
the ultimate sigma male that everyone is scared of, he is currently at the top of the hierarchy and i'm guessing it shall stay like that for a while. the has an obsession with luca xio ling low and loves him to bits.