1. Basically like a circle jerk, but with women.
2. A Tupperware party or bunko night
Biff: Hey are you going to Debbie’s bean flick tonight?
Cindy: Oh you mean her Triangular Twat Tickle?
Biff: Yes
Cindy: No I have to pick up my kids from soccer practice, otherwise I would
Refers to using a Morse key, normally made of Brass.
He’s a radio amateur and when he uses his Morse key he chuckles “I’m off to tickle the brass”. - Early Morse keys were made of solid brass and Bakelite. When operators would be known for tickling the brass.
Expression used to imply being the first person to do something that was previously viewed as impossible.
In 1903, the Wright Brothers were tickling the moon by inventing the airplane.
The act of getting off on greasy pubes flossing your cock deprived mouth and gums to the extent of depression when not getting your daily dose of fellatio forestry.
I didn't get my teeth tickles in 3 minutes Susan, take the gun you know what to do.
The sudden twitch in your jaw when someone talks about a particular food.
"The minute they mentioned pizza, I got tickle chomps." Tickle chomps hit me just thinking about dinner.
When yo dick so stout and plump it looks like a potato and baby girl sees it for the first time she too scared to do anything but tickle it
John: hey girl what do you think of my dong?
Ashleigh: it's such a..... tickle potato!
When a food or drink tastes very good
This ice cream really tickles my balls