Worse that ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian combined
Joe: hey ur mom gay
Henry:hey ur nanny franny
Joe:”dies slowly”
gohan (random dude) : spam ur mom
you : ur mom is men
gohan ( random dude) :rekt
When a girl or guy places sex above most other things eg friends, work, study, their other relationships
“Dude, don’t fuck her it’ll destroy your friendship with mike. Just stop thinkin with ur dick.”
horny Nymphomania SexDemon
A term which is often used to tell somebody that his/her mother is not good-looking.
Jim:"Yo Ron, Ur Mom Ugly"
Jimmy:"U a Garen main?!, Ur Mom Ugly"
it a expression of saying correct in an archaic language
watch the episod eof teen titansg0 where robin fights da queen suing soda and tea bobs ur uncle
A child friendly username for child friendly games like roblox
Hey whats your username:Ur Mhum Gei
This insult is to only been used in extreme circumstances as it can can cause mass hysteria and global gang rape of 4 year olds
Jake: "ur bro homo"
Kyle:" ur granny trannie"
Jake: "ur dog nignog"
Kyle:"ur gerbil pansexual"
*Any living organism spontaneously combusts