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fuck face cunty bum

A (dumb) fuck face cunty bum

Go die you fuck face cunty bum

by Mr touch your kids April 3, 2018

cheetah face

The act of blowing a load on a girls face, then throwing cheetos at her face. Much like that of the gorilla face.

I gave that ho a cheetah face last night!

by cheetahface January 2, 2008

Snatched Face

A defined model like face, with a protruding bone structure and tight clear skin.

Bella Hadid has a snatched face.
Meaning her face is defined and model like.

by Bellahadidbestie July 20, 2022

Allah face

The face you make when a person about to explode

Guy - uh oh

Girl - what ?

Guy - he about to combust

Girl - (makes Allah face)

by Profit Muhobbit March 10, 2024


When someone posts something on Facebook meant for another person but then a third party views, comments, and/or reposts it.

Similar to eavesdropping, but on Facebook.

Matt sent Cord a video. Dylan commented on it. That's Face-dropping.

by McCabeBlahBlah December 20, 2010

Banged in the face with a shitbag

An exclamation of disgust. Used specifically to elicit the visual of someone preforming fellatio on a person who currently has a colostomy bag.

“I’m going to bang you in the face with a shitbag

“Well, Bang me in the face with a shitbag, that sucks.”

“Woke up this morning feeling like I got banged in the face with a shitbag

by Lil hed February 25, 2025

a mask of my own face

hed wear that

neil cicierega: *messing around on amazon*
also neil *finds something called "a mask of my own face"*
still him: *realizes its literally his face*
what do you think: *buys it*
do i have to: a mask of my own face id wear that id wear that

by human i think February 4, 2023