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If you're looking up the definition of gay, your gay

Have you been searching up gay?

What no! I've not been searching up gay cause I'm not gay

by Your_nans_shet March 7, 2023


A sin.

person: β€œI’m gay”

me: 😧✝️

by #fax April 2, 2022


Connor Gibson

Connor why are you GAY!!

by Life.exe has stopped working June 18, 2019


To have a mental illness or.

Im gay
u suck ass bro

by urmommagayfrfr February 24, 2024


not me

i'm not gay why do people call me this all the time?

by TonyJones563 May 3, 2021


The definition your dad blowing your friend

Jeffery Williamson III-Hey joey is it ok if your dad blows me

Joey-Sure but that’s gay like Micah 90’s

by fwplask July 5, 2019


A hot and nice experience lol BE COOL WHILE BEING GAY CUZ WHY NOT

Someone: is she gay?-
Me from a FAR away distance:YES IM GAYπŸ˜šπŸ˜±πŸ€—πŸ‘‹πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜²

by That cute kid November 22, 2021