National Shit on the Ceiling Hour occurs every 100 years on December 28th. This holiday event starts on 8:30 pm, and continues until 9:30 pm. The next National Shit on the Ceiling Hour occurs this December. It’s truly a miracle that we will be around to witness it’s full beauty.
Sally: “Ugh, 2020 has been the worse...”
John: “Don’t worry, National Shit on the Ceiling Hour is coming up!”
Sally: “Oh my god, you’re right!! I’m so excited!”
This is the day on which eagle83 left the deathrun community and thus, peace is restored!! This is one of the most emblematic deathrun moments in gaming ever. And this event is extremely important to celebrate once a year.
Why are feeling happy today?
It's because it's the National DR celebration day 3 December today!!
This day lands on June 15 ,and it is a day where you get to chuck your grandma down a flight of stairs to your hearts content.
Person 1: Hey grandma... You know what day it is.
Grandma: No sweetie I don't know what day it is
Person 1: Follow me up these stairs, and stand at the top with me and don't move
Grandma: Okay
Person 1: <Chucks grandma>
that's national chuck your grandma down the stairs day
I know what we should do we should kiss our tall friends day especially cause there hot.
“Let’s kiss our tall friends day”
A: look it’s B
C: so what
A: kisses B
C: why’d you do that
A: it’s National kiss your tall friend day
On February 8 it is the duty of all of a certain persons mutuals to call them out on their homophobia
"I hate gay pll,
Post that on your story bruh 💀" -Quirky person
"Send me your address, it's National Quirky-ism day" - Gilbert (national treasure)
It December 4th try fucking ur ex
Me: wanna fuck
Ex: I told you not to talk to me an noooooo
Me: but it's December 4th "national fuck your ex day"
Ex: ok then let’s do it! "National fuck ur ex day" December 4th
That's right it's December 2nd that means time to show your best friend your tits ladies
Today is National Show Your Tits To Your Bestfriend Day