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pull an eagles

get so pissy about someone getting into your rofamily that you decide to scream the n word hard r and then get removed. another way to pull an eagles is to unsuccessfully try and coup your superior.

pom: "yo wtf why is this guy tryna coup me???"
stormy: "he is trying to pull an eagles lmfao"

by stormyxxi May 26, 2024

Brown Pull

When you shit into your hands and then jack off using the shit as your lube

Eddie: "where's Glen gone"
Adam: "he's down in the toilets having a brown pull"

by Manson81 October 12, 2022

Pull a Patty

Terminology used in Game of Thrones Conquest, specifically referring to a player named Patty. The term "Pull a Patty" is used while someone has a lack of. Most common is the lack of: troops, food or gold. To "Pull a Patty" one must ask for the mentioned things or cheat their way to get them.

"I am gonna pull a Patty!" Used while you plan on cheating or asking to get gold, troops or food.

"Oh no, he's pulling a Patty." Used when you see someone cheating or asking for gold or food

by BlackCinnamon August 6, 2021

Pull a Patty

This terminology is used specifically while referring to Game of Thrones Conquest, shortly termed as GOTC. It serves as a reference of a player that asks, cheats to get what they miss; either being troops, food or gold.

"I'm gonna pull a Patty!" Used when someone is about to drop the clan and cheat for a ticket.

"Are you gonna pull a Patty?" Can be used when seone has no troops to join rally, asks for food or is invited to cheat to get gold.

by BlackCinnamon August 6, 2021

Pulling a Mike

The unfair act of getting away with things that do not work for others, this situations happens a lot in many corporate environments. Specially if Mike works there.

Disgruntled employee: but boss, why am I in trouble when I said I was working form my La Mirada office, you know is my home? When Mike does the same with his city, and he isn't asked to come back to the office?
Boss: but that's him , that's different, you cannot be pulling a Mike!!

by SpeKtroNet July 22, 2021

Pulling a Mike

When your behavior mimics the worst salesman at VIP Sports Las Vegas. Can’t close sales (no news!), has no pitch and has to have his boss Steve Stevens, aka El Scorcho, close for him! Also wears assless chaps when he loses the weekly sales contest. When you pull a Mike you pretty much suck at life.

Steve Stevens, “Mike! It’s the end of the week and you got like no news. Is anyone else in here pulling a Mike this week?!”
Mike, “Yeah, I suck…”

by Contagonist May 30, 2024

pulled a fruitcake

When you run out of time taking an exam and have to write random answers down

When you failed an exam

I just pulled a fruitcake on that chemistry test!

by Patchsmellsgood January 18, 2017