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my face: 🪑

It’s a common comment found on tiktok that people comment when someone has a big ass. They are saying that the persons ass is big and they want them to sit on their face.

*video of someone with a big ass*
comment: my face: 🪑

by r@nd0mus3r January 30, 2024

Piss Faced

A term to describe someone that is so drunk they barely know what's going on around them.

"What's wrong with Jerry?"
"Oh he's just Piss Faced"

by NUCL3AR May 17, 2022

Open Face Parkdale Slider

When someone lunges their genitals onto someone's face in a sliding motion, usually involves sweat and welfare.

Also can be defined by a sandwich that includes a piece of bread topped your crushed hopes and dreams.

"After that dinner argument I took your mother into the side room and gave her an Open Face Parkdale slider."

"I'm so poor all I have to eat is this Open Face Parkdale Slider."

by Kdiamondz April 7, 2013

Face in ass

Face in ass is an act where you hump her to her ass bleeds and then you put your face in her bloody ass and eat her out.

Yo I face in assed Becky last night.

by Condom in yo mouth January 16, 2020

Cheese Grater To The Face Time

to describe when any person, group of people, thing or situation would make you rather take a cheese grater to your own face than deal with what is in front of you.

"I went on this date with a dude who kept talking about his mother, total Cheese Grater To This Face Time" - sally

"how was sex with steve?" - lucy
"total cheese grater to the face time!" - Jane

by Charlielove777 <3 June 5, 2011

otter face

The face of an otter.

Look at the otter face.

by Ritacca February 15, 2023

banter face

The face one makes when enjoying a good banter. Often can first be seen in the slightly upturned corners of the mouth.

Every time we start to disagree about some truly dumb shit, I look forward to your banter face.

by VivatRegina December 9, 2023