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National Ellie Day

My lovely gf ellie is the best, every day is about her

did you know every day is “National Ellie Day?”

by Lmaoamslfr February 22, 2024

National Monk ur friend KYLEE

December 28th

National Monk ur friend kylee includes throwing their books, stomping on their feet, and then screaming “GET MONKED HAHAHAHA” In their face, all while doing the gangnam style.


National Fake Friend Day

National Fake Friend Day is celebrated on May 26th . On this day post your “fakest” friends, and drop anyone you feel like you can’t trust .

Tomorrow is National Fake Friend Day, i’m posting *****”

by cartiismysavior May 23, 2023

National Slap ass Friday

Have the right to slap or grab anyone's ass on fridays, it could be anyone, especially your therapist

"did you know it was National Slap ass Friday?"
"I know! do you know that hot cashier at the 7 eleven near my house.. I grabbed her ass, and holy it was nice"

by sleepy joebiden August 6, 2021

national slam piece day

On August 15, bring the slut you’re fucking to your place of employment.

Are you bringing that bitch Cami to work on national slam piece day?

by HorseMeatCam August 15, 2024

National Angelo Day

This day is on April 24th and it is the day of appreciation for all the Angelo’s of the World!

Did you hear its National Angelo Day?”

by Heart zzz April 24, 2023

National Block HiiP Day

On the widely celebrated day of "National Block Hiip Day", people worldwide come together for the single cause, to block HiiP, this is in order to keep up the ritual that stops the otherworlders from reaching our plane of existence.

"It is "National Block HiiP Day", little Jimmothy, today is the day we stop Cthulu from rising from his grave."

by dirty donkus October 1, 2021