Used to describe a woman with low sexual value, typically synonymous with "hoe" and "thot". It is derived from her genitals being worth that of a Mcdouble.
"Bro you see Keisha recently, she's bad as fuck."
"Nah bro everyone's had that Mcdouble Pussy."
The type of vagina so foul its inner lips have morphed into tentacles. The kraken pussy is of a mean temperament and has been known to put out its tentacles in order to grab and devour anything that comes too near its den.
Kraken pussy can be so deadly and quick it can snatch the hat off of a head without ruffling a single hair.
Victims of the kraken pussy are taken deep into its inner lair where it is rumored to be the actual entrance to Davy Jones locker.
Dale: "omg, so I met this woman on tinder last night and I barely escaped with my life! She had a kraken pussy, its tentacles nearly broke my leg!"
Polly: "after years of hard use and putting a lot of miles on my old cooter, it finally grew a tentacle! Little bugger even offered a light for my cigarette! I love my kraken pussy!
Someone who slays pussy whilst being lit af
Jessica: Suck on my clit Jacob
Jacob: Of course Jess
Jessica: Ah Oh aH oH
Jessica: My pussy, im coming
Jacob: Pussy Gang, Pussy gang, pussy gang, pussy gang, pussy gang, spread my tongue through your veins, my tongue is so bangin!
Jessica: You are such a pussy dragon Jacob
A pussy so powerful that after sex the mans dick is on fire
Wow my dick is on fire. Thats pussy dragon for you it set things on fire.
Fucking someone vaginally on the hull of a ship
Jerry: Damn, I love hull pussy
Zoe: Let’s organise it then
Apparently it’s a wriggly worm toy, look it up, it’s really fucking weird
Hey wanna play with my bile pussy?
No, look! *pulls out worm*
Ohhhhh, the toy!