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When you have the balls, you are brave enough to do something the average joe wouldn't be brave enough to do. Usually, males challenge other males to do something by asking If they have the balls to do it.
Balls can also mean something spherical commonly used in sports.

Joe:Yo, I bet you dont't have the balls to hug that girl
Chadson: Watch me.
Joe: Damn, you've got balls.

by Widdledum January 19, 2022


Sum thing u lik to suck on

Lick my balls!!!

by Masondickinson’sballs December 8, 2023


too put something under water

i balls lego dinosaur.

by fantiom September 25, 2021


say this instead of the f word

oh balls I dropped my drink

by billyisthenameofmywilly January 19, 2023


literally big black ballsacks

OMG! Look at Donovan’s big black ballsacks !!

by Patrigga__ December 7, 2021


it's something you put in your mouth

i put damon's balls in my mouth

by lakenfaken May 11, 2022


In your pants attached to you small PP

Look at his balls there so tiny LUCAS

by Bingle Bob May 2, 2022