Some fine fellas who terrorise the corridors of schools,
The Pussy Posse are the direct rivals to shark gang.
Those Pussy Posse fellas are led by good o’l sheriff eskins
"This screaming bitch has a real sandy pussy. Beating his pussy up like a codfish because he didn't win his Facebook argument and feel like the enlightened idiot he is."
When he can’t come from fucking others but does when She fucks him with her fire pussy.
That fire pussy knocked me out of my chair.
Fire pussy is a pussy that makes you call her phone for 10 hours 101 times because you just need to get inside that tight wet juicy fat pussy girl and if her name is Mika - she got some fire pussy
“Hey wyd last night”
“I got some fire pussy- that girl Mika has the fire pussy she made me cum in 30 seconds and it was the best nut”
“How bro just 30 seconds?”
“I’m telling you bro. Fire pussy”
Someone who slays pussy whilst being lit af
Jessica: Suck on my clit Jacob
Jacob: Of course Jess
Jessica: Ah Oh aH oH
Jessica: My pussy, im coming
Jacob: Pussy Gang, Pussy gang, pussy gang, pussy gang, pussy gang, spread my tongue through your veins, my tongue is so bangin!
Jessica: You are such a pussy dragon Jacob
A pussy so powerful that after sex the mans dick is on fire
Wow my dick is on fire. Thats pussy dragon for you it set things on fire.
Fucking someone vaginally on the hull of a ship
Jerry: Damn, I love hull pussy
Zoe: Let’s organise it then