The most amazing person in the world, generous, kind, beautiful, funny and a great sister, mom, aunt, grandma, and friend. She is so loving and amazing you have to love a robin carter
Is that Robin carter?
Yeah, she’s so kind and gorgeous!
What a Robin carter
A group of people that wear Amish clothes and use horses but also respect other people’s believes and let’s others join in their services. They say grace before lunch to piss off the teachers and are fucking
Awesome, everyone loves them.
See him he’s a Carter Amish man
The best guy you could ever have. He’s always there, a dick at times but will always love you.
“What’s wrong let’s talk about it.” -carter owen
When you pretend to be nice to somebody just because you feel bad for them and you will half-heartedly agree to plans with them just to cancel then last second because you really don’t like them.
Wow, this is the second time you’ve canceled plans with me, you are cartering me!
When your friend carter jerks you off and says you just got cartered
My friend carter carteringed me
Another name for a zyn(Similar to Oprah Zynfrey, Monica Lezynski, and Zydney Crosby)
“Hey buddy could you lob me a Zynce Carter.”
Or for short
“Hey buddy I’m packing a Carter upper deck”