A popular Australian animated YouTube series following the life and times of Big Lez, a single father to Quintin who is from another planet and is trying to get back. He is joined by Sassy and some other deadbeat drug addict Sasquatches and Clarence the Mailman.
Example should include the word "the big lez show."
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To be on an emotional roller coaster, similar to Oprah's dieting history, because you can not cope with The Oprah show going off the air.
Suburban Sally: 'What the Hell is your problem John? You left the jelly on the damn kitchen counter! Put it away!'
John: 'Wow...really? It's never bothered you before? Why now?....OH! Now i get it! Let me guess...Oprah Show Withdrawal?'
Suburban Sally: 'Yeah honey. I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I feel like i just got paroled after 25 years, trying to now integrate myself back into society between 4-5pm daily.'
John: 'I'll will help you cope honey. We will get through this together'.
A absolutely skits YouTube animation made on paint that has the biggest fucking drug addicts in And the annoying green thing called clarance (fuck of) there is the the absolute mad Sasquatches that take so many drugs Itβs un ber fucking leavable. Absolutely the sickest show out
The big lez show, You fucking druggo, whatyatalkingabout Donny you facking drug addict
cause of death attributed to the excesses of and fallout from fame...
Heaven is crowded with stars who succumbed to the temptations of celebrity and their death certificate confirms a death by show business.
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A TV station that shows Steve Harvey's Family Feud all day and refuses to listen to fans who say it is too much.
Oh what a surprise, Steve Harvey is on the Game Show Network.
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Spanish slang (esp. Caribbean - Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, etc.) for "stop acting" or "drop the act". What one says to another to get them to stop playing and get straight to the point.
Calle 13, "Atrevete te te" Lyrics: "Hello, DEJA EL SHOW, subete la minifalda, hasta la espalda, subetela DEJA EL SHOW, mas alta..."
Talento del Barrio Film: "DEJA EL SHOW! Esto es un club como cualquier otra."
When a group of two plus males stand side by side in a line and jerk off the first one to ejaculate wins the race. There can be no out side influences on the participants (Female or other male touching, no toys, to porn) just the participants and their hand of choice and their imagination. If a participant does use any foreign aid that results in immediate disqualification. The community (Spectators/ other participants/ whoever else is in that general area) choses the punishment for the cheater.
Dean: Jack! Guess what.
Jack: What?
Dean: Chris was cought cheating in a Texas Show Down and the punishment what to eat the other participants cum!
Jack: Oh Shit!