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los angeles

L.A. is a city whose infrastructure is about to collapse because of overcrowding and financial troubles. Most of this is due to the overwhelming influx of illegal aliens from Mexico moving in at the speed of a plague. They don't pay taxes to help maintain the roads, hospitals and other services that they consume illegally, and for which the rest of us who work and pay taxes have to pay for.

Unless we stop illegal immigration, Los Angeles will become a 3rd world city in the next 5 years.

by Realizing I'm being outnumbered and planning to get out of this sewer. February 11, 2005

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Los Angeles

One of the biggest cities in the world. Major ethnic groups are Mexican, Black, Iranian (especially Iranian Jews), Korean and White.

The City of Angels...Los Angeles

by aguynamedandy September 28, 2005

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tattered angel

an angel who has been through much, her wings are tattered and broken.

she was a beautiful angel, but harsh life broke her wings and she became a tattered angel.

by Ryck Dalvengyr February 8, 2013

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anal angel

A person who's anal cavity is so tight you damn near pass out and go to heaven while fucking it.

"Oh my gosh, that Kaitlyn girl is a total anal angel"

"Holy shit! I had sex with that chick Kaitlyn and I thought I died and went to heaven. She's a total anal angel!"

by Bitchwithallthecats July 23, 2015

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Angel Pulido

this kid likes to suck dick and is super gay. This kid is usually bald

Angel Pulido is gay

by wowzies123 June 3, 2019

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los angeles

Los Angeles - It seems that everything of cultural importance (or nearly everything) in the U.S. revolves around what happens in two places: New York and Los Angeles.

Regardless of the above, I prefer New Orleans, San Francisco, and Boston.

by Worcester_Raymond March 28, 2004

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Los Angeles

A cancerous tumor on the bunghole of America. Overpriced, Overpolluted Overcrowded Overpopulated and Overrated. Home of the rudest people on Earth and the worst drivers as well. The weather is always disgusting (constant year round sunshine means a build up of smog and constant drought conditions). The only solution the brain dead politicians here have is to blame everything on the illegal aliens and build another shopping mall. Public transporation is a joke.
One more thing about illegal aliens. Most of them are just trying to make a living and doing the jobs nobody else wants. I mostly feel sorry for them. Their homes must be real shit holes if Los Angeles is an improbement.
They should change it's name to something more descriptive, like God's Toilet.

Oh God, I'm in Los Angeles! HELP!!!! I'm in HELL!!!!!!!

by IHateL.A. April 29, 2008

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