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Bernice’s Best friend

1. Someone who is obese

Ewwww… look at that person.”
“Omg how did Bernice’s best friend get her?”

by OmegaEagle March 31, 2023

National Give Your Girl Best Friend A Hoodie Day

April 4th is national give your girl bestie a hoodie day. show your bestie you appreciate her. give her a hoodie.

Girl Bestie: “Hey it’s National Give Your Girl Best Friend A Hoodie Day”
Boy Bestie: “So?”
Girl Bestie: “Can I wear your hoodie please?”
Boy Bestie: “ig”

by thatgurlkayyyy April 3, 2022

A best friend

Best friend: *walks down the hall with you like queens/kings*.
someone:look there is those stupidos
You: *slaps that someone*. NOTE:AS HARD AS YOU CAN SLAP EM THEY DESERVE IT❤️

a best friend is someone you will always have. You better love them and give them all your attention because if you or they leave your life wont be the same again you will cry yourself to sleep and regret it so make sure you give so much space for them cause you mighLOVE OR YOU WILL REGRET I SWEAR.t not have enough time to. a best friend will make you full of joy and they will love you till the end of time. They will do what they have in there power to make you happy and keep you company. GIVE THEM ALL YOUR

by dona sama October 14, 2022

National Give your best friend a hug day

National Give your best friend a hug day is celebrated every year on September 27 . The idea of National Hugging Day is to encourage best friends to hug more often. Go hug your best friend they deserve it.

National Give your best friend a hug day is celebrated every year on September 27 . The idea of National Hugging Day is to encourage best friends to hug more often. Go hug your best friend they deserve it.

by Ava Lane September 26, 2021

Best friend's brother

The Jegulus Fic™️ (written by zeppazariel)

person a: hey what are you reading?
person b: the best jegulus au to ever grace the earth
person a: oh best friend's brother?
person b: duh

by mrtellmeafuckingsecret May 24, 2022

best lover friend

When you're someone best lover but they just wanna be friends.

Sally sue tell me I'm the best lover friend she ever had.

by Ppdr April 30, 2016