Mollie Brian is a fascinating person who is amazing to be around. She has a nice personality and is very pretty. If you know a Mollie Brian you are very lucky 😎
one of the homis very swag and gets all the bitches. best friend youll ever have. best person to be around and hangout with bc of how swag that homi is.
damn i wanna be just like the homi brian bowman hes very swag
A friendly giant with a killer singing voice. Frequently seen running the local slums. Probably has like 33 houses.
: I got to get my rent money to brian boeshart
The name Brian is of Celtic origin and means; Strength and Honor. He is a very intelligent guy, who keeps his priorities straight and is extremely well rounded. Not only is he smart, but he is athletic, handsome, sexy, funny, and a great guy to hang out around. Trust me his somewhat klutzy personality can be funny when he plays the role/ He can often be very dramatic, in the good way. He is one of those guys that you can just share about anything with. He instantly just gains your trust. He is very reliable. Brian will always be there for a friend, no matter what the conditions. Brian is very creative and loves to contribute ideas. He has dreams of changing the world, and making it a better place for all to live. He is always true to who he is. He is a natural born leader, who can lead a group of people yet still have time for each individual. Only the lucky girls will get to be in a relationship with this guy, but anyone can be his friend.
"Man isn't he dreamy. He is such a Brian jass."
"That's my best bud right there. He is the greatest Brian jass ever."
"Everyone bow down to the Brian jass."
"Only a Brian jass can save all of humanity".
"He just pulled a Brian jass."
He is just such a Chad Brian Davis. He can just rock up and talk to anyone, about anything!
Did you see ztuck and brian depaul taking yibs outside docs class.