we get it gerald you hate math.
Complete Nonsense.
This word is often used as a way to deflect statements and sometimes precedes before counter statements.
eg. Two people are talking
Person A: Did you know that (Insert name here) is the most popular person in the class?
Person B: Complete BULLSHIT. I think (Insert name here) is the most popular!
I wonder what the bullshit of the day is going to be...
Hym “Because you know he’s going to be on some bullshit.... Welp... on another note, how many commercial aircraft disappearances do you think were just suicide? Because it can’t be zero... can it? I mean, you could say 9/11 but the plane didn’t disappear. I mean like a pilot was just done with life and he put some sleeping pills in his co-pilot’s coffee and then he just flew into the ocean. I mean, you wouldn’t KNOW that that’s what happened. You’d only be able to speculate. But what are the chances that it’s happened 0 times? Probably low. Maybe the Bermuda Triangle is like the global suicide forest. 🤷 ♂️”
Banvideogames saying they don't harrass people every day
That's bullshit
Just looking up bullshit when you have no friends to play Fortnite
Imma search up bullshit to see what happens