really cool person but not cooler than me smh yeah
“Ufo cookie is not cooler than milk”
The resulting chocolate coloured ring that appears on the lips of the participant of an ass to mouth incident after they use their lips to clean all the feces from the shaft. Reminiscent of all of your annoying cousins after they have eaten your Oreos. The severity of cookie mouth varies with diet, shaft size, and enthusiasm and lip colour of the shaft swabber. Is somewhat contagious as kissing can spread cookie mouth between partners.
I went ATM on this chick last night and she ended up with the worst cookie mouth I have ever seen.
Someone who contributes absolutely nothing to the world around them but merely sits there.
Student 1: Moe is such a chair cookie!
Student 2: Don't be so harsh. He got a 14 on that last math quiz!
Student 1: Yeah, but the teacher said she'd give us 14 free points for turning it in!
Student 2: Well, at least he turned it in.
Student 1: Actually, I found it on the floor and handed it in for him.
Student 2: Chair cookie.
Meaning girls private part, vagina, pussy
Hey man, want to go to the bar to try and get some broken cookie?
When you fart in your hand and swiftly deliver said fart to the face of your nearest victim for their olfactory delight.
Oh man...he fish cookied me and it smelled like Big Foots dick.
An unshaven vagina.
“Did you know that Helen has a jungle cookie?”
A Pejorative term for people who think highly of their cooking abilities, due to the fact that their recipes contain marijuana, and/or a person that is high during the cooking process.
"Oh great! That No-Bake Cooky found It's way back into My house. Now everything tastes like ass and I can't drive."
"That No-Bake Cooky just microwaved a box of Little Debbies Cosmic Brownies."