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Flat Bro

One calls a person a "Flat Bro" if they believe that their intelect is limited.

He is a "Flat Bro" (Every Flat Bro ever)

by OilrubAinsley October 29, 2021

Flat Sausage

A sequence of taking off clumps of vaginal hair and violently shoving it in the other partner's pee hole.

Matt recieved a Flat Sausage and did not like it.

by Searsisdead November 24, 2015

flat election

A real Election where nobody cares who wins because all of the possible candidates are just as depressing and uninteresting as the others. I.A. We don't care who wins...you all suck, i'd rather take a nap.

I didn't even bother to vote, it's a flat election. Wake me up when it's over.

by SpdRscL November 15, 2023

Flat Spotting The Tyres

After a feed of pints, preferably stout, after letting a fart, a shart ensues. Nipping it in the bud leaves a little residue in the boxers, akin to someone revving and spinning a car wheel and leaving a small streak in the tarmacaden.

Jesus I was in bad shape last night. Had a feed of Guinness and ended up flat spotting the tyres during a presentation at work.

by Cobby Shunter February 25, 2022

Naked flat white

A naked flat white or naked coffee is a term used to refer to a take-away coffee served without a lid.

Since the lid is the only additional item the coffee cup ‘wears’, asking for a naked coffee indicates one would like it served without it in addition.

I'll have a naked flat white, please.

by roo_tamer12 November 11, 2024

flat footing

When one uses their foot ontop of a man's tip. A type of feet kink.

He literally started flat footing my dick bro.

by slayhennysx July 19, 2023

Flat pack smack

When a new guy walks into a gym whos untoned and weak, and a big 6pack bencher smacks him on the belly like hes sticking an expected expiry date sticker on a card board box.

Big weight lifter: >Smack< oi oi get on the tread mill outa way good lad big boys are in the building, stick at it and yal be lifting 16 stone and 3 pounds of that meat your eyeing up you know the one, shell get you revved if you break down. PUMP SOME BLASTARD SHELLS AND DOWN SOME HERCULES POWder!!
Flat pack smacked wimpy dog squert: >gulp<

by Step lupid July 12, 2023