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floor dulling

the government’s devices under the floor to make a citizen feel numb

The floor dulling had the historical American feeling injured.

by Coop Dupe November 16, 2019

Mopped the floor

´´mopped the floor´´ is a word used mainly in the ballroom scene and the queer community. It means that someone did something so insane/great during (mainly) a performance.


by Stormy LaBeija April 20, 2023

top floor lib


People who sit on the top floor lib are such Alphas

by Alphastopfloor3 May 31, 2024

Twitch on the floor

To freak out or spazz out; to get mad or shocked by surprise.

When your dad finds out he's gonna start twitching on the floor.
When I meet him I'll be twitching on the floor.

by Clayluver April 10, 2004

Open Floor Plan

Usually in an SUV car you lower the front 2 seats back fully so they lay down and connect to the back row of seats and make a bed type shape or so called open floor plan.

Bro I heard you tried the open floor plan with that new girl you’ve been talking too.

by ilovebbc123 May 22, 2023

floor rescuer

Someone who's foot falls to the floor, hits a lego and Screams. They are the foe to manliness. They need a Floor Rescuer.

"Man, Johnny stood on a lego and screamed!! We need a floor rescuer!
"I dreamt of a man, who's foe was a sharp piece of plastic on the floor, laid about by little minions, plotting to hurt the poor feet of men! those who get caught in their trap, need a floor rescuer to defend them while in a weak position!"

by Are you a floor rescuer? June 8, 2014

Floor Goblin

Someone who lies or sits on the floor with disregard for chairs, couches, and the social expectations of their peers.

Person 1: Why are you lying there on the floor?
Person 2: I'm just being a floor goblin

by ezfe December 28, 2023