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A game published and developed by Epic Games that was highly popular around the year 2017
Typical players tend to be younger children and 21-year-old man-children
Ever since 2018 and beyond, the game has been slowly loosing popularity and I genuinely hope it will die out soon.

9- year- old- army:
I got a victory royale in Fortnite!

I have one thousand V-Bucks!

I hate Fortnite with a burning passion.
Some of the dances and skins and stuff are nice but I don't like the game.

by Your Local JoJo Simp October 29, 2019

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A bullshit game. Always die. Never win. If you won a game then your a god. Mostly die from storm and it will make people life suck. This game can kill you.

BOY:I want to kill myself

Girl:Stop playing fortnite! It a bullshit game

by Only won Two games February 26, 2018

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The worst game you can play. It is really gay and everyone who plays it is a faggot.

Person 1: Fortnite is soooo good.
Person 2: No its not, your gay

by Zolton_The_Meme_Man October 31, 2018

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the #1 internet game but still not better than pewdiepie but wayyyyyyy better than apex legends


by bye bye bye bye bye bye March 27, 2019

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A trash game that virgins play when they don’t want a girlfriend anymore.

Hey boys I gonna play some fortnite bye Sara

by Karma’s December 29, 2020

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A game that is extremely hated on for no apparent reason. Look, the game is good. The fandom is bad. Same for Marshmello. So please do your research before hating on a game that hundreds of people enjoy. It's a good game, good story, and if you have a problem with the fandom, that's an entirely different category. It's like saying that Siege is bad because the people screaming and calling you a hacker. Play the game.

Guy 1: dude the new fortnite update is amazing!

Guy 2: go play Minecraft normie

Guy 1: Am I not allowed to like both

by Sleepy Hed May 8, 2020

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A shooting video game that for some reason is popular and people wont shut the hell up about at school.

heY gUys iM pLAyiNg ForTniTE

by idontgivetwoshits December 18, 2018

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