Dollares is a common misspelling of the word, "Dollars". Usually by uneducated sk8r boiz and others similar to their kind.
Jack: "Yoo, I need like 200 Dollares"
Ryan: "It's Dollars you numbnut, and no"
Dollares is a common misspelling of the word, "Dollars". Usually by uneducated sk8r boiz and others similar to their kind.
Jack: "Yoo, I need like 200 Dollares"
Ryan: "It's Dollars you numbnut, and no"
an mild inconvenience, especially one that causes confusion or distracts from the main point
Sally dropped a umbrella and it spilt her cup of coke on Shaun. He had to clean his shoes and was late for his tennis match. Sally got him into a twelve dollar situation
A term used to describe the value of currency in the midwest in comparison with other parts of the country where income is higher. This inequality of income causes unequal access to consumer goods due to requiring a higher ratio of one's income to purchase.
That's a beautiful new Tesla you bought, but I'll never be able to afford one working for Ohio dollars.
Someone that tells people if they want a tree canopy, don't buy goods from Amazon (since Amazon builds warehouses), which is a lot like saying if they want a tree canopy, don't buy the houses the real estate market/development they profit from and are involved in is selling. Either way, somebody that tells you that is going to see dollar signs in something, and try to clear cut the trees and walk all over the land and the people there to get them.
As long as people see dollar signs, they are going to try and clear cut trees, it doesn't really matter to them what the land is used for, as long as they get what they want (and buying a few goods via Amazon is not wanting much compared to the millions they could make off the land they had clear cut, so it isn't the people they call sheeple that are taking more than they need off Amazon, and usually people that buy off Amazon already know they are part of the problem).
What people really use math for.
Most people don't use equations on a daily basis, since they don't tend to prove as much to as many people as having a lot of money does. If it's not a means to an end, most people aren't going to do it even for show, since they don't see dollar signs that go with it.
Slang for prostitution
That chicken from high school made the dollar menu and I watched Jamal place an order