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Justin Bieber

A prepubescent boy who dreams of one day becoming a musician. He is worshiped by little girls who are feeling their vaginas tickle for the first time. He further advertises the "clean music" movement mainly sponsored by Disney with their music acts such as the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, and every other actor that has ever had a show on the Disney Channel. The video for his song "One Time" depicts a party with no drinking, drugs, sex, or anything usually at parties. I suppose it's appropriate considering he's only 7, but 7-year-olds shouldn't be having parties in the first place unless they are sleepovers where their mom bakes cookies for them and their friends and they play boys vs. girls keepaway in the back yard after fighting over control of the TV. WAIT ANOTHER 20 YEARS AND THEN PRODUCE AN ALBUM!

Justin Bieber: "There's gonna be one less lonely girl!"

Little Girl: *rubs self* "OMG ur so hott I love you!!!"
Justin Bieber: "Eew, girls are gross! Mommy, this girl's acting really weird!"

by Ellisniss MGP January 17, 2010

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justin schwockert

A boy born in 1990, who for years denied his bisexuality. Butthen a certian someone named Brett, in the summer of 2008, had a couple of threesomes, and make out sessions, well anyways, he was DRAGGED out of the closet. He is also know as "Emo Justin" i have no idea why.. he doesn't even look emo anymore

"hey look over there"

"OMG is that Justin Schwockert?"

"Yeah, he owes me money"

by Brett keever August 30, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Williams

Sexiest man ever. Married to Emily Williams Who loves him very much.

Justin Williams is the greatest, most hard working man!

by Sunshinelove March 6, 2015

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The best person alive. He can sing, he can dance, play multiple instruments and is good at sports. However, he made some mistakes in past when he was a teen, but that's what we all do? The thing is, he has learned from his mistakes and is sorry for doing it. And I think we should forgive him for that the same way your parents forgive you no matter how big your mistake was. Let's make this world a better place for him :)

Person 1: Aye bro, who is Justin Bieber?
Person 2: A kind and generous person who suffered 7 years of hatred by the whole world

by lmaoiamabelieber November 5, 2020

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Justin Trudeau

- A person that need to be killed due to ignorance and stupidity.

- A silver spoon baby that is as useful as tits on a bore.

- A piece of shit that was collected on the bottom of a shoe.
- Someone who needs to be assassinated for the betterment of humanity.

Justin Trudeau needs to be assassinated.

by d'etat June 19, 2021

536๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

Somebody who has a lot of bad urban dictionary entries about him.

Justin Bieber: One time one time.

Everyone: I'm soo gunna put something on urban dictionary about this guy.

by BloodSugarLQ June 27, 2011

81๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

Imagine putting Miley Cyrus in a 11-year-old male body that inhales helium before every concert.

Justin Bieber is a disgrace to Canada.

by You-Don't-Know-Who December 5, 2010

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