Obtuse or enlarged
Wow Lewis Cotterell is looking rather obtuse today
A guy who dosent shower in the morning
Oh my god that guy is such a Lewis Lambourne
A really fucking sexy guy.Everyone falls in love with his charm and sense of humour he is also really incredibly smart and talented he can be really sweet and romantic aswell he's a really amazing guy to have in your life and you never want to lose him because it would be a huge mistake
Ethan Lewis is so smart listen to him he’s so interesting
Ethan Lewis is sexy
I want to fuck Ethan Lewis
Ethan Lewis is so hot I trip over every time I see him
I love Ethan Lewis
Walmart Employee of over 10 years. Recently Quit her job😭😭😭
The kinda bloke who tells you he's going to come out on the sesh with the lads, but he only drinks two bottles of J2O and hes ready for bed. However, if he does get drunk he has a battle within himself not to rape anybody, sometimes asking for help. All this bloke wants to do is get his daily's on some video game that he spends 23 hours a day on. Wht he does with the other hour nobody knows.
Guy: *drinking J2O in a pub*
Other guy: "fucksake m8 this isnt a tea party, stop being such a Lewis Allen and get on the sesh"
A massive furry who loves Rubixs cubes
Hide your pets Lewis joy is coming