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Lord Of The Rings

a film that's watched by those who will never get any pussy.

Anyone who actually loves this movie is a virgin.

by J February 27, 2003

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Sheep Lord

Someone who has a massive following of multiple people or subscribers that encourages group think mentality on matters political, social, or personal beliefs. Sheep Lords tend to harshly bash any posts or content that doesn't align with their personal stance on certain matters. This in turn, detours some weak minded adults or adolescents who haven't decided their own personal beliefs to fall in line with what the Sheep Lord thinks in fear of being canceled by peers. This is a neutral term, no side is right or wrong. Think freely.

Don't follow Sheep Lords, think for yourself on what you choose to believe in.

by RockShada95 April 7, 2021

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Lord Lard

Defines someone who is the king lard. They allow everyone to do stuff for them because they are Lord Lard. Everyone bow to them because they are the most comical and amazing in the room.

Look it’s Lord Lard sitting on her lap. Lord Lard! Lord Lard!

Let’s go get Lord Lard something to eat they need their protein.

by Whitkinster June 18, 2019

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Splooge Lord

The lord of all splooge memes (Dong memes included)

Hey, there goes Chris, i've heard he's a splooge lord

by XDshadowmasterDX December 11, 2016

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Lord Kenny

Lord Kenny the boat god
Our one true boat god and savior of all fishers.

Example: Lord Kenny our boat god will save us from The Jane ending and the wrath of Lily.

by TeoThunder March 19, 2021

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Florida Lord

The ruler of all Florida men. There can only be one, and they will forever hold the title of the Florida Lord. Befriending them is the way to go, becoming their enemy will only result in being stuffed in a bag and drove across the country and thrown into a creek.

Jimmy bob billy-I heard that the Florida Lord wrestled 48 alligators yesterday!
Jesus-There goes humanity..

by Oonmyphone May 4, 2020

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Skank lord

A totally awesome an powerful male who pimps our and keeps a large group number of Skanky females to do his bidding

Shane is the skank lord I saw him in the bar with 7 super hot skanky girls

by Skanklord123458394729 March 7, 2018

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