Maria is an amazing girl and she is funny, she is a good friend she is very loyal and is a good listener she has a few friends but she love them with all her heart she don't like many people when she's mad u don't wanna know what happens she don't have taste in men not yet but it'll come she like to help people and has talent she is insecure about herself but don't understand she's beautiful she make people happy an has an amazing character she can be annoying sometimes she love to sing, she likes to roll her eyes all the time
Look isn't that Maria
Yes she so gorgeous isn't she
Yes man
Queen of the clucks. She is very interested in your stance on the death penalty.
Yo who is that?
That's Maria... She is pro-Bulgaria
Maria is an unique creature, with the prettiest smile you could ever meet. The brown eyes with the wavy hair are the canvas of her face, that emanates beauty and confidence. She may be shy, and insecure inside, but will be confident and strong on the outside. Has a volatile temper, although she always tries to keep her cool. She's kind, sweet, loyal and a great listener, advicer, student, professor, but bitch, don't mess up with her!!!! That woman can be as dangerous as a starve tiger. It is so easy to fall in love with, she might be scared of seeing anyone with romantic eyes, but if you give your heart and purest friendship to her, perhaps you have one chance. Don't give up on Maria, maybe she isn't the easiest person, with the easiest history, but once you know her, you are able to learn so much with her!! Once you know her, you will never be sorry (at least, not if do not screw-up with her). One of the best feelings you can feel, is when you have the privilege of having her loyalty and know her most sensitive side, only one her multiples pieces that adds to the complex puzzle Maria is. And for the last, but not less important, Maria is incredibly sensible and talented, you get mesmerized by her abilities, craving for new things and knowledge.
She may be tough sometimes, but she is a great friend, probably the best you could ever have, so, don't give up, be patient and loveable. You won't be sorry.
Girl: I need help
Maria: Do I need to help you hiding a body or advices?
Girl: You are so pretty and smart! How do you do it?!!
Maria: That's a blessing
A: Maria loves Tiktok.
B: Obviously, her whole personality is based on it.
The most successful person to ever exist,everyone loves Maria.
Maria is the best
Maria is a kind-hearted person with a big personality. She is OBSESSED with anime and loves cosplaying. She has a crazy friend group full of people who she never wants to let go of. She is funny and will always make you laugh. She can make the CRAZIEST faces and will always be there to make you smile.
Maria: Makes a hilarious face.
All her friends: Laughs their asses off.
Hey bbgurl I love you and am so glad we are friends
Hi Maria!! I have missed you my love