Mia is an ankle biter that eats kids for breakfast and is also a furry fairy oger gremlin breed
I just saw a Mia biting my sisters left buttcheek!
A girl that goes under desk and start screaming and crying for attention (she has no mental disabilities and is the definition of a weirdo)
Some girl: BARK BARK!!!
Some guy: We get it Mia calm down
A girl who kisses Connor everyday of there life and enjoys it and then goes and lives an amazing life and they love each other.
Have you heard about how they might Mia?
Despite what Mia believes, she is a beautiful girl. She is a very likable person. She laughs the greatest laugh in the world and has the most gorgeous eyes. She is intelligent as well, yet she underestimates her skills. When she chooses to be, she is very patient and understanding. She is a good energy match for you, so you can live off of each other. She'll instantly win your heart, and she'll make you feel at home. She is a person you will love spending time with. Her voice is the most comforting thing in the world. Overall, she is an amazing person. When she walks in the room, your heart will stop, and you will get all nervous, as I do.
Mia is my world. I love her.
Is a tramper tøs and always have a redbull in her hand. She is really flat and tramper dig all the time. Stay away from her she extremely billig. The only good thing she does is ryst røv. Macce likes ;) donnt fælle the træer