Guy1: Yo I just dropped a mud monkey on your floor
Guy2: Come on!
Slur for humans by jackass non-humans in the media (usually sci-fi)
Castiel: The decision's been made.
Uriel: *laughs* By a mud monkey.
Castiel: You shouldn't call them that.
Uriel: Ah, it’s what they are, savages, just plumbing on two legs.
Anal stimulation often causes one to have to defecate. For a Mud Baby to be conceived and born (the gestation period can be anywhere from 30 seconds, to several hours) a load of sperm does not technically have to be deposited in the anus, but if you are one to be concerned with the aesthetics regarding the finer things in life, a healthy load of jizz is widely recommended. A bowel movement should then follow, after which one can be proud of the fact that they just gave birth to a healthy Mud Baby! Mud Babies are born gender neutral, so when picking a name, it is wise to go with names such as “Ashton”, “Riley”, “Chanler”, or ,
depending on the color of your
particular Mud Baby, “Indigo”. The lifespan of Mud Babies can vary, but it is unwise to let them live longer than 5 minutes, after which a proper water burial should ensue. Mud Baby abortion’s are ill-advised although in rare cases, they are sometimes necessary.
After I blew my wad in her butt, she had to take a dump so bad, bud! She totally went in my bathroom and gave birth to a Mud Baby!
The act of defecating into a vagina and then engaging in intercourse.
After Indian food last night, I had an amazing mud massage.
A Family-Friendly term for a female's butt.
i.e. " Hey man, look at the Mud Pan on her"
A mudslurper is that freaky bitch who shits on your jizz, stirs it, then slurps it through a straw.
"Did you hear that Susan and James hooked up"
"No way! Did you hear that she's a mud slurper?"
1a When the uppermost of the two sexual partners engaging in the classic 69 position, defecates on to the other participants face. The true 'mud goggle' effect isn't reached until the stool droops over covering both eyes.
2a when your friend makes a potential mate out to be less attractive than they actually are, because of foul mood -they are said to be wearing "mud goggles"
a. Steve gave Martha some awful mud goggles last night, he probably wont ever see her again
b. Jessica sure was attractive, but mark said she was a real shovel face poor guys wearing the mud goggles tonight.