A little man who loves his penguins too much. Way too much if you know what I mean 😳🫢🫣
That dude is such a Jayden Penguin y know?
The most peng person in the world.
Own penguins princess of them.
Is like Jesus for penguins.
Michool: i hate grackel
Tyler: Dont you mean princess prudence of the penguins
Also know as 'Single pringle' used to describe a person who is single or just come out of a relationship. It is mostly used with teenagers
pringle dumped lonely teenager relationship single penguin single penguin
“A term used to describe a YouTuber who gets into a controversy and then receives criticism from moistCr1TiKaL
After making a controversial statement in his latest video, the YouTuber was quickly criticized by moistCr1TiKaL and therefore was Penguinized.
A small person fearless of small spaces.
"He's so good at cleaning those air ducts...he is one of our best shuttle penguins."
The coolest kid in any discord server. If someone has this name congratulate them by gifting them nitro.
Do you see spy penguin got gifted another nitro!
Jacking off or getting a hand job using snow or ice as lube.
Alternate meaning: when a programmer is verbally masterbating about their code.
I want some action in the cold snow baby.
Sure, pull down your pants and I'll beat the penguin numb as a stranger.