A shadow bagger is a stranger who in public will stand so close behind you that you can't see them and they are out of your peripherals. Only when you turn your head or back/bump into them you notice them!
"Last night at the party I stepped out to check out the moon and I had no idea that Shadow Bagger Chris was standing behind me the whole time...next time I'm throwing an elbow!"
An effect in which you hit an amazing shot and immediately tend to whiff your next set of shots on the enemy in Rainbow Six Siege.
I pulled a SHADOW EFFECT after I one tapped him.
Shadow nigga- a nigga/mate/partner whom is forced to be hidden during a relationship or hidden from actual view from public during such relationship..
"Don't worry you won't be in trouble he's just my Shadow Nigga"
Mr Shadow Mooncloak is one of the best budding writers among teenagers and he's currently working on his Debut Book.
He is the Divine Soul, The Midnight Moon of 2007.
A system in any work place where promotion or transfer is prevented by Human Resources or a Manager due to the politically incorrect standing of an employee or due to other factors such as age discrimination). The one being shadow cancelled does not know this is taking place to undermine their professional career.
My boss and director recommended my for promotion, but HR vetoed it-I'm sure it is due to me being shadow cancelled so I can't advance.
To realize your purpose you need to transform the shadow of limitations.