It could be a name of a ice cream or a motherfucking rapper from Detroit
Dude,look it's Vanilla Ice!
I love Vanilla Ice
Become famous without any skill or talent whatsoever.
SEGA's fans wanted a classic Sonic game, but SEGA didn't give a crap, and decided to take a Vanilla Ice and create Sonic Forces in 2017, another generic ass modern Sonic "game". Older games like Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic 06 (hell yeah) were better than this...
A massive, engorged white penis, especially after not having sex for awhile
“Girl what’s wrong?”
“My man ain’t shit”
“Then why you won’t leave him?”
“Cuz bitch, that Vanilla Eclair too bomb”
French Vanilla is when u French kiss a woman after cumming in her mouth then afterwards u go and grab a coffee
Yeah bro I just French vanilla'd my girlfriend after 3 months of dating I also tried it on a hooker before but that doesn't count I payed money for it
A beautiful light-skinned woman
Yo, Jamie is a certified French Vanilla!
That white boy got his french vanilla all over the bed. Cum white boys
A handjob in the bathroom of a OnRoute along the 401, usually costing about $3.00.
Stopped at the OnRoute near Belleville for a coffee and a french vanilla from my buddy Adam.