Source Code

roman candle fight

It is when you have two teams and you and your friends light roman candles and shoot them at each other till one team gives up. You can also use M-80 as grenades to throw at the opposing team or bottlerockets.

Nick just got his finger blown off in a roman candle fight just now.

by Cali35 April 25, 2007

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Water balloon fight

A near impossible code to break when used correctly.
when used properly one can successfully hide their intentions.
1.water balloon = a pipe, bowl, bong etc...
2.splashed= stoned, drunk, light headed etc...
3.soaked= too fu*ked up to do something.
This code if used correctly will keep your wrong doings under the radar.

stryder: hey bro wanna have a water balloon fight?
carl: hell yeah bro i wanna get splashed!
stryder: alright man ready to leave?
carl:nah man im soaked.

by Big Mig 505 June 21, 2011

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Wet Towel Fight

A joking reference to two straight males who are spending the night together, as if they were to engage in homosexual love.

Aw, man. Ted slept on Jack's couch last night. They probably had some drinks and had a wet towel fight afterwards.

by Caffeine February 26, 2004

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red cat fight

A red cat fight is when two chicks, who are on the same menstruation cycle, fling period blood at each other to resolve a feminine dispute.

Dave: "Dude whats that smell? It smells like an abortion in here" Geofrey: "Bro, I know! I think my two room mates just had a red cat fight cause there's blood everywhere.

by Dildo Backpacker March 26, 2011

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Ultimate Stick Fighting

Beating random ninjas senseless with plastic golf club separators. It makes the most horrible noise imaginable but creates very little pain. It begun with one dude grabbing a golf club separator while walking through sporting goods and smacking his bud, resulting in a tremendous noise and much laughter and enjoyment.

Dude, let's ultimate stick fight! ::smack:: SWEET!

by David Goreman July 11, 2004

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CBT Anime Fight

A fight between two retarded brothers for a terrorist face mask and a Super Mario lunch box.

A random fuck:Dude did you see the CBT Anime Fight?
A random dick:Of course I did! That Simp got hit in the balls.

by ABCitseasy May 17, 2020

Boss Fighting Stages

A video game where you fight npcs and defeat each npcs' boss.

You will also fight bosses.

Man: whatcha playing
Me: I'm playing Boss Fighting Stages

by A random definition maker November 27, 2022