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If you're unsure whether you're an Aunty or Cousin to an new born baby, then you are most likely a C-unty

Come and give your C-unty a hug ang a kiss, hello

by Kinky Kiki December 3, 2022

bei c

1. A bitch booger ass looking person

2. A piece of shit in your nostrils

1. This person is a big bei c to me. What a nasty lookin booger.
2. I got a bit of bei c in my nose. Hol up let me smear it on you

by Booger Lookin Hottie June 23, 2019

The C-Vid

The face you make when in contact with a female, also known as "the rapist face". It is when your mouth is half open and eyes are half closed while head bobbing. It must look creepy.

While sitting with his arm around Emma, Arie's face looked like The C-Vid.

by Biker12 May 1, 2011

Falcon C

Monkey clan that loses to every single shit and isnt able to fucking shoot the gun at oppoments because they are a monkey clan

Falcon C: Hi we are best
Swat: no

by iiZ4d April 14, 2020


Crazy Cat Cunt. (pronounced: sea cubed)

Older female almost always afflicted with HPD - Hoarding Personality Disorder.

Yocal Newscaster:

County Sheriff and Animal Control officers seized 73 cats and found several more carcasses stuffed in a freezer in a C^3's rural home this afternoon.

C^3: (crying)

I luv me each and every one of them cats, eevun tha ones in ma freezer! Aww please gimme ma kitties back, boo hoo!

by owl fart July 19, 2011

C diff

An STD or infection of the digestive tract caused by giving one a "rim job" or ingesting fecal matter while performing oral on ones anus.

I had to go get antibiotics for my C diff, the bitch forgot to wipe and now I'm shitting a Hershey factory!

by The Underground Pharmacist February 14, 2018

A C-16

1: The act of/in the act of blocking or preventing someone from speaking how they wish to speak.
2: Someone who hates freedom of speech, someone who blocks someone from having an opinion.
(Pronounced without the "-" )

"Man, what a total C-16"
"Did you see that? She just pulled a C-16!"

by Kekistan United May 21, 2017