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street fighter

Ususally a motorcycle with a sport oriented nature that has had most of its fairings removed to create sort of an unfinished, tough and urban look. A Ducati Monster is a prime exaple.
Look for a non-existent windscreen, loud exhast and distinct lack of platic. Dual headlights are becoming a popular option as well.

See that squid jam through traffic on the Duc? Dumbass is only wearing a half-lid so he'd better not dump it.

by jphilm March 29, 2004

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street cred

Someone who grew up in a non-sheltered white boy neighborhood who had to fight claw and scratch his way to respectability and therefore has the credentials to be a self-sufficient person in this tough world. And by the way, anybody can have street cred. Anybody who had a rough childhood and tough upbringing and still managed to make something respectable out of their lives - they have street cred because they know what it takes to be succesful in this tough world.

The guy grew up in poverty and by his own hard work he is now a wealthy dude.

by Anonymous October 6, 2003

97๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž

street pass

Permission from a black friend to say the n-word in their presence. Only works if they are in the vicinity.

Ben- yo, wattup my n*****!
Tyrone- Yo that ain't cool
Julius- yo man its fine, he has a street pass
Tyrone- ight we cool

by big wiener 96 March 31, 2011

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Jack Street

An area that is inhabited by the assclown.

Whack Person: Yo guys, I wanna go G-Stepping!!!

Crowd: ...Shut the fudge up you assclown.

by Bad Boy KIllaz April 12, 2005

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Street Sweeper

A boy that goes to the streets( girls that belong to the streets) and takes a whore to make her loyal

i am a street sweeper

by TRM October 26, 2020

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street italian

A urban italian who grew up in the inner city and is accepted as a minority by other minorities...knows the rules of the street and abides by them...has ties to the street possibly thru relatives....comes from a big italian background...may or may not be influenced by hip-hop

street italians r from the inner city...Not suburban italians...

by Tone Capone May 23, 2007

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street bums

usually a homeless person cronically addicted to alcohol and or street drugs with possible mental health issues and no care about appearance or personal hygene and having little to no respect for themselves.

look at that bum urinating in the doorway.
street bums sitting on street corners holding signs begging for money to support there drug habbit.

by phoenixman October 16, 2010

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